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Candidates announced for UK’s first “City” of Culture

It has been revealed that so far, 29 cities and local areas have nominated themselves as potential candidates for the UK’s first ‘City of Culture’, a title to be bestowed and held throughout 2013.

With London and its boroughs being excluded from nominating, the opportunity has been designed to allow an area to showcase its ability to host high profile events, as well as interpreting their vision of ‘culture’ throughout 2013. It also creates the opportunity for economic regeneration for the area, with the hopes that the title will provide an influx of money via an increase in tourism.

The title of ‘City of Culture’ is a flexible one, with towns such as Chorley and Barnsley, as well as, curiously enough, “The Countryside” featuring on the list. Although I feel it is important to highlight the cultural offerings available in the UK outside of London, I wonder at the capabilities some of the nominated areas have to play host to these important occasions.

With “The Countryside” participating to make some form of political statement, and one city (or possibly local area) resistant to be revealed even at this initial stage, there seems to be a sense that the whole thing isn’t being taken very seriously.

With the Brits and the Turner Prize expressing a willingness to relocate their high-profile events to the chosen locale, the responsibility to put on a good show will be high for the winning city (or, again, local area). I hope that the competition really does have the capability to seek out a hidden cultural gem on this fair island.

The shortlist will be revealed in January next year, with the winner to be announced at Easter.

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